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international economic environment中文是什么意思

用"international economic environment"造句"international economic environment"怎么读"international economic environment" in a sentence


  • 国际经济环境


  • Next year , the international economic environment is expected to improve for china , as global economies continue to recover
  • Under the current international economic environment of financial globalization , cross - border issuing of securities has been more active and progressing rapidly in past years
  • A great number of multinational corporations and international companies have been mushrooming in our country . the fast changing international economic environment brings domestic corporations great business chances and challenges
  • Despite the grim international economic environment , we have created a new situation in our opening up by responding positively , striving to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages , and turning challenges into opportunities
  • Hu emphasized the importance of seeing the ever - changing domestic and international economic environment in the right perspective , and called for continual effort to tackle issues such as excessive liquidity and overcapacity
  • From the nature of capital and to the requirements of the wto rules , it a very pressing issue to start to explore the market withdrawal of state - owned capital in order to deal with the new international economic environment
  • With the progress of science and technology and the rapid change of international economic environment , credit risk has become more and more complex , attracting more and more focus from many countries around the world
  • Gatt and wto recognized its legal ; at the same time in current international economic environment objective presence of dumping and all foreign trade policy on base of national countries also prevent abolishing anti - dumping
  • It becomes the key problem on how to summarize the lesson and experience of current rmb exchange rate regime and select the optimum exchange rate regime fitting for chinese economy development status under the new intra and international economic environment
  • While the economic globalization is / bringing them development opportunities , it also increases the uncertainty to international economic environment , the difficulties of adjustment to structure of developing economic parties within the area and risks of encountering external impacts
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"international economic environment"造句  


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